News & Events

What's going on at Gateway

You can check here for news updates, our latest blogs and information on upcoming events. We also have a variety of media resources available including recordings of our weekly chapel services.

All media inquiries can be directed to Director of Communications Tyler Sanders at 

Gateway News


In fall 2025, Gateway Seminary’s regional campus in Fremont, California, will relocate to the Bridges Bay Area Association facility in San Leandro, California.


The inauguration of Adam Groza as the eighth president of Gateway Seminary conveyed a sense of joy and hope for the future for those in attendance.

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Gateway Events

Jan 21

Devo & Prayer Night

6:00 PM

Devo Nights are a great way to connect with other students and faculty, be encouraged in your spiritual life, and pray together. The devotions this semester will come from the book of James.  Dr. Allan Loder will lead this devotion on...

Jan 25

Gospel-Centered Teaching | A Bible Teaching Conference

9:00 AM

Register your church for Gospel-Centered Teaching: A Bible Teaching Conference with Dr. Eddie Pate!

Feb 3

JEC Lecture with Nathan Finn

6:00 PM

Jonathan Edwards Lecture and Dinner with Nathan Finn Register for a free dinner and lecture entitled "An Uncommon Union: Interpreting Jonathan and Sarah Edwards," with Dr. Nathan Finn. The lecture and dinner will be 6 -7 p.m. RSVP...

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