

Forms of Giving

Please make checks out to Gateway Seminary.

Real estate.
A gift of homes, farms, rental property, commercial property, or other types of real estate. In some situations, property can be given in such a way as to return income for the donor.

Challenge gifts.
A single large gift made to the Seminary should certain conditions, set by the donor(s), be met.

Deduct the fair market value of a security (stocks, bonds, mutual funds) and avoid capital gains tax. Institutional Advancement staff can provide professional advice for this method. Call 888-442-8709 for assistance.

Honor and memorial gifts.
A gift in the honor or memory of a loved one.

Matching gifts.
Gifts that are matched by the donor's employer. Potential donors should contact their personnel/human resources office for more information.

Gifts in kind.
Non-cash contributions, accepted depending on the nature of the gift. Items such as jewelry, art, coin collections, antiques, automobiles, airplanes, boats, or other types of vehicles are included. For more information on vehicle donation, call 1-800-939-3235.

Planned giving.
Establishment of a trust or gifts through a will (gift annuities, remainder trusts, and testamentary wills).


Legacy Donors


Donors who are creating a living legacy through significant gifts

Cornerstone Builders


Donors who provide the cornerstone for our future success

Distinguished Leaders


Donors who distinguish themselves in their support

President’s Partners


Donors who join the president in making regular, more generous gifts

Seminary Founders


Donors who provide our financial “foundation”

Gold Donor


Calendar Giving

Silver Donor


Calendar Giving

Bronze Donor


Calendar Giving


up to $119.99

Calendar Giving

Lifetime Service Award – Donors whose cumulative gifts total more than $100,000

Heritage Society – Donors who have provided for the future needs of the Seminary in their wills and estate plans.

President’s Council Eligibility – any of the following
1. Give $5,000 or more in a calendar year (eligible the following two years)
2. Give $100,000 as a Legacy Donor (permanent status)
3. Receive the Lifetime Service Award (permanent status)
4. Be in the Heritage Society (permanent status)