Pacific Northwest Campus

Pacific Northwest Campus

The Pacific Northwest Campus (PNWC) of Gateway Seminary is located in Vancouver, Washington, on the border of Oregon. Our presence in the midst of two of the most unchurched states in America is strategic for the expansion of the kingdom of God. Students can take advantage of ministry opportunities in hundreds of local churches throughout the region to gain valuable practical experience while earning a degree.

Like all of Gateway’s campuses, the Pacific Northwest Campus is designed to serve local students by allowing them to gain theological training and serve in ministry simultaneously. Our weekly classes are scheduled on Mondays because that is a common minister’s day off. We also offer a few classes each semester with an intensive schedule over one or two “weekends”—Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. This scheduling enables students to commute from outlying areas, take classes efficiently, and return to family and ministry. All of our classes are also available via remote access—you may participate in real time through video conferencing.

The campus was established in 1980 as the third regional campus through a model partnership with the Northwest Baptist Convention. In fact, we are usually located in their headquarters, although we are currently in a separate, interim space while a new headquarters is being constructed.

The majority of our students are already engaged in ministry as pastors, associate pastors, youth pastors, and in other roles. The relative smallness of our campus promotes closeness among the students and relational accessibility with the faculty. Our faculty is augmented by devoted adjuncts who are productive practitioners of ministry, mostly from our region.

The Washington Student Achievement Council has determined that Gateway Seminary of the Southern Baptist Convention qualifies for religious exempt status from the Degree-Granting Institutions Act for the following programs: Master of Divinity (M.Div.), Master of Theological Essentials (M.T.E.), Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.), and Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.). The Council makes no evaluation of the administration, faculty, business practices, financial condition or quality of the offerings by this institution. Any person desiring information about the requirements of the act or the applicability of those requirements to the institution may contact the Council at P.O. Box 43430, Olympia, WA 98504-3430 or by email at

Degrees Offered

Master of Divinity
Embark on a lifelong journey of personal, spiritual, and professional growth with Gateway's Master of Divinity. Eleven concentrations and a host of electives to choose from allow you to customize your degree to the ministry you want to pursue.
Master of Theological Studies
The Master of Theological Studies is a foundational program that provides the theological groundwork for personal enrichment, ministry enhancement, and further graduate study.
Master of Theological Essentials
The Master of Theological Essentials is a 36 credit-hour program that provides a foundation for Christian thought.
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min.)
Designed to enhance your ministry, not take you away from it, Gateway's Doctor of Ministry program encourages you to mature in your ministerial leadership identity, understanding, and skills.
Diploma in Divinity
The Diploma in Divinity offers ministerial training for people called to full-time ministry who don't have an undergraduate degree. It shares much of the same coursework as the Master of Divinity.
Diploma in Theological Studies
The Diploma in Theological Studies provides a basic understanding of the biblical and theological disciplines for personal enrichment, ministry enhancement, and as preparation for further study.
Diploma in Theological Essentials
The Diploma in Theological Essentials provide core theological training, primarily for lay ministry leaders or ministry leaders receiving vocational training in a church setting or in another academic setting.

Get to know the Pacific Northwest

Portland, Oregon Metropolitan Area

  • City Size: The Portland, Oregon metropolitan area is the 19th most populous in the U.S.
  • Population: 2,992,924
  • Ethnic Diversity: 76% Anglo, 11% Hispanic, 7% Asian/Pacific Islander, 3% African American
  • Religious Diversity: 12.6% evangelical, 62% unaffiliated with any religious body
  • SBC Church-to-Population Ratio: 1 to 28,528

Contact Us

Plan a visit by emailing or calling 360.882.2200.
Physical Address
6307 NE 87th Street
Vancouver, WA 98665

Mailing Address
6715 NE 63rd Street #413
Vancouver, WA 98661

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