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One-Bedroom Units

The unfurnished one-bedroom apartments in the student housing complex are approximately 650-700 square feet. These units are available to single students, in single or double occupancy arrangements, or to married couples without children.

Student Housing Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

 Housing deposit (due upon arrival)....$400.00
Monthly rent rate...................................$1,060.00

• Monthly rent includes water and trash services.

• Electric (www.sce.com) and gas (www.socalgas.com) utilities are billed directly to resident from provider.
• Residents arrange and pay for optional services such as internet, television, and telephone. Local providers include Spectrum,         Frontier, and AT&T.

Provided Appliances
• Stove/oven (gas)
• Refrigerator

• General flooring is carpet and linoleum mix. A handful of units are tile and carpet mix.
• Window air conditioner and wall heater in living room.
• Bedroom has a ceiling fan.
• Window.sliding door coverings are primarily vertical blinds, but a few units have installed curtain rods.                                               Minimum total curtain width required is 72 inches.                                                                                                                                       North Baker: 1 window & 1 sliding door                                                                                                                                                         South Baker/Princeton: 1 window & 2 sliding doors
• Debit/credit card operated laundry room.

North Baker Floor Plan     Princeton & South Baker Floor Plan     Princeton/S Baker 360 Video Tour      

Two-Bedroom Units

The unfurnished two-bedroom apartments in the student housing complex are approximately 800-900 square feet. These units are available to families with children.

Student Housing Fees for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Housing deposit (due upon arrival)....$500.00
Monthly rent rate...................................$1,340.00

• Monthly rent includes water and trash services.

• Electric (www.sce.com) and gas (www.socalgas.com) utilities are billed directly to resident from provider.
• Residents arrange and pay for optional services such as internet, television, and telephone. Local providers include             SpectrumFrontier, and AT&T.

Provided Appliances
• Stove/oven (gas)
• Refrigerator

• Flooring is carpet and linoleum mix. 
Central air conditioning and heat.
• Each bedroom has a ceiling fan.
• Window and sliding door coverings are primarily vertical blinds, but a few units have installed curtain rods.                           
Minimum total curtain width required is 72 inches.                                                                                                                         North Baker: 3 windows or 2 windows & 1 sliding door                                                                                                                 South Baker/Princeton: 3 windows
• Debit/credit card operated laundry room.

North Baker Floor Plan     Princeton & South Baker Floor Plan

Housing Policies

Students occupying seminary housing need to be aware of the following important policies:

• Rent is due on the first day of the month, in advance. A late fee of $25 is charged for any payment past the 10th day of the month.
• A standard cleaning/damage housing deposit is required for each apartment type. This may be returned following move out if proper notice is provided and the apartment is in a good state of repair and cleanliness as determined by the Residence Life Office.
• No pets are allowed in any apartments or rooms. The term "pet" is understood to include all animals, rodents, birds, and reptiles. Specifically excluded from this regulation are fish, which may be maintained in bowls or aquariums of reasonable size and good design.
• Residents hold no right of subletting/subleasing seminary apartments to any external party. Some restrictions apply to extended visitors/guests.
• Telephone and Internet service are the responsibility of the resident and are to be connected only at existing outlets. Satellite dishes and outdoor T.V. antennae are not permitted.
• Additional major appliances such as dishwashers, freezers, washers or dryers are not permitted in student apartments.

A full listing of housing policies/procedures is available for review in the Residence Life Office through the Apartment Handbook publication and housing License Agreement. Any requests for exception of student housing policies are reviewed on an individual basis by the Residence Life Office and/or the Housing Committee.


Residents are responsible for maintaining housing accommodations in a clean and sanitary manner. This responsibility includes replacing consumables like batteries for smoke alarms and light bulbs; in addition, replacing items like vertical blind slats when broken. Such consumable items are purchasable through hardware stores like Ace Hardware, Home Depot, and Lowes.

To request maintenance assistance related to your housing accommodation, please submit an online housing work order form.

Laundry Machines
To report problems with the machines and to request service, contact the laundry service provider, WASH, online or by phone at 1-800-342-5932. You will need to provide the 6-digit machine ID# in your request.

The WASH-Connect app can also be used to submit service requests, and process payment for machine use.

General Questions
If you have general questions regarding maintenance related issues, please email the Residence Life Office at housing@gs.edu.

Forms and Documents

If you are considering moving out of student housing, or desiring to request an extension of your housing eligibility please submit the appropriate form.
30 Day Notice to Vacate
Housing Extension Request

The most recent version of the apartment handbook is available online at the link below.
Apartment Handbook