Financial Aid Application - Caskey Missions Experience


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Mailing Address (if different from Residence)


Have you been accepted to Gateway Seminary?

Gateway Campus

Please provide the term and year, i.e. Spring 2016

Which Semester(s) do you need aid?

Check all that apply

Please indicate your service*

If you don't fit into on of these categories, please fill out the General Financial Aid Application instead.



Briefly state why you feel you should be considered for scholarship assistance and how such assistance might contribute toward your ministry goals.

If you have made application for financial aid from any sources other than Gateway Seminary, or if you have already received financial aid from any internal or external source (including Seminary loan, tuition waiver for Seminary employment, Seminary relative, or student spouse), please state the sources and the dollar amounts.

I affirm the correctness of all application information and I acknowledge that select Gateway personnel will use, in confidence, all personal/financial information contained herein solely for the purpose of evaluating potential financial aid. I certify that I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Caskey Missions Experience Scholarship and I approve and accept the policies and procedures contained so stated. In addition, I have read and understand the terms and conditions of general Gateway Financial Aid Program policies and procedures. Should a scholarship award be granted to me, I hereby promise:






In making this Financial Aid Application, I, the undersigned, agree that schould funds be granted I will devote my best efforts to the educational opportunity afforded by such aid.