Financial Aid

General Financial Aid Application

Apply for Financial Aid

• Student Services will notify you of any financial aid award and provide instructions for your next steps.
• Students who apply by the May 1 priority deadline with be notified in June/July. 
• In order to keep your scholarship you must follow all policies, including thanking donors.

Caskey Missions Experience Scholarship Application

Apply to Caskey Missions Experience Scholarship

Gateway honors those whose call to Kingdom service is not limited by geographical or cultural boundaries. Global mission service characterizes the very heart of Seminary life. This commitment to Great Commission workers has led Gateway to systematically invest in men and women who have served as extended volunteers through the International Missions Board or the North American Mission Board of the SBC.

As workers return from the field to obtain graduate ministry training to equip them for continued global service, Gateway attempts to meet this need through the Caskey Missions Experience Scholarship. This special scholarship fund is open to all qualified International Mission Board ISC or Journeyman alumni, or NAMB Mission Service Corps or US2/C2 personnel, and is designed to provide tuition assistance for Gateway students. 

General Financial Aid Eligibility Requirements

Most Gateway Seminary financial aid requires enrollment by degree-seeking students.  Individuals who are interested in attending Gateway Seminary should apply for admission prior to applying for financial aid.  

Caskey Mission Experience Scholarship

• Scholarship qualification is based on successful completion of the mission/field appointment.
• Scholarship applicants must submit a verified letter from IMB/NAMB indicating their term of service and successful completion of service.
• Scholarship applicants must meet all Gateway admission standards and be accepted to the Seminary prior to consideration for funding.
• Scholarship applicants must have served their respective field(s) assignment within the previous two years from the date of scholarship application.
• Scholarship applicants must be fully degree-seeking at the masters level. The Caskey Mission Experience Scholarship does not apply to advanced studies (Th.M., D.Min., and Ph.D. programs).
• Scholarship applicants must commit to full-time enrollment. Gateway considers a full-time load to begin at nine units per semester.
• Scholarship applicants are subject to standard Gateway Financial Aid policies governing scholarship assistance including ineligibility of spouses in dually enrolled couples, employee waivers, delinquent accounts, and deportment issues.
• Qualified applicants for the Caskey Mission Experience Scholarship are eligible to receive a tuition waiver for the first full 24 credit hours enrolled regardless of degree program or number/type of semesters involved. Scholarship funds are applied directly to the student account as credit to tuition expense and may not be designated for penalty-type fees, housing expenses, or textbooks. Again, scholarship funds are reserved for those seeking a seminary degree; therefore, this particular scholarship assistance is not applicable to those enrolling for the minimal 20 credit hours required for IMB career appointment.

Financial aid at Gateway Seminary begins with the commitment of the Southern Baptist Convention to quality theological education. Gifts from thousands of SBC churches and faithful individuals, given directly and through the Cooperative Program, provide major funding for the operational budget of the Seminary. The result of such wonderful gifts is an annual tuition subsidy that keeps educational costs at a manageable level. This means that every SBC students receives a major portion of actual tuition costs free through Cooperative Program gifts.

Gateway Financial Aid Program funds are not designed to provide the total budget needs of any student or student family. For those broader financial needs, we encourage students to access campus information concerning job placement services and ministry placement opportunities for gainful employment. We strongly encourage proper stewardship of resources. Students typically pay for seminary through a combination of resources-personal savings, family/church support, and scholarships. Students who do not sincerely need financial assistance should not, in good conscience, make such requests. All students should first attempt to find other provisions to meet their financial needs before applying for scholarship funds.

Over the years, many faithful men and women have been called to establish endowment funds and name scholarships for this purpose. Gateway, as a matter of financial integrity, seeks to make the most effective use of these funds to honor the intent of the donors.

The Financial Aid Program at Gateway is a collection of multiple internal scholarship funds. These scholarships are organized into various categories according to the intent of the donors. Approved applicants may be awarded aid amounts from one or several scholarship sources, depending on eligibility. Financial aid is awarded annual to qualifying students and is subject to conditions established by fund donors and Gateway Seminary. All scholarships address economic need and also reward excellence. In our setting, excellence implies both academics and ministry.