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Allan T.  Loder

Allan T. Loder

Director of Online Education | Associate Professor of New Testament Studies

Joining the Gateway family in October 2024, Allan Loder serves as Director of Online Education and Associate Professor of New Testament studies. Prior to coming to Gateway Seminary, he served for nineteen years as Instructional Design Specialist at College of the North Atlantic in Newfoundland, Canada. He also served as Adjunct Faculty at Wycliffe College, University of Toronto from 2006-2016, where he taught introduction to the New Testament online. He was ordained in 1995, and served as a local church pastor for 5 years. Allan’s research interests include Matthean studies, Synoptic Gospel studies, Rhetorical Analysis, Second Temple Jewish Literature, New Testament Textual Criticism, Koine Greek, Lexicography, Pneumatology, and Hermeneutics. His ongoing commitment to scholarship was demonstrated recently by completing a new 4,500 page Greek-English lexicon titled, Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament: Scholar’s Edition (publication forthcoming). This 12-year project is a major revision/update/expansion of Moulton and Milligan’s Vocabulary of the Greek Testament (published 1914-1930).

Allan believes that God’s call and purpose for his life is to equip others for works of service (Eph. 4:12), including supporting faculty and students participating in online education at Gateway Seminary. He is passionate about teaching the Bible and theology, and sharing his faith with others.

Allan and his wife Joy are originally from Newfoundland, Canada. They enjoy spending time together hiking, camping, and sailing. Allan also enjoys painting with watercolors and woodworking.

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Ph.D. (New Testament), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)
Th.M. (Practical Theology), The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (Louisville, KY)
M.Div. (Honors), Providence Theological Seminary (Otterburne, Manitoba, Canada)
B.Th. (Pastoral Studies), Master’s College and Seminary (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada)