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Kevin Chen

Kevin Chen

Professor of Old Testament

Having graduated from Gateway Seminary in 2009, Dr. Kevin Chen rejoined Gateway as a faculty member in 2024. Most recently, he taught for five years at Christian Witness Theological Seminary, a Chinese seminary in San Jose, CA. Before that, he taught for nine years at Union University in Jackson, TN.

His academic training and main research interests focus on the Pentateuch, intertextuality, Old Testament theology, and the Old Testament’s witness to Christ. His prior teaching experience in a Christian liberal arts university and a Chinese seminary have resulted in additional interests, such as the integration of faith and learning as well as Chinese theological education.

A native of San Jose, CA, Kevin was an electrical engineer in Silicon Valley for three years before quitting to pursue seminary studies full-time. He is married to Joyce, and they have one daughter and one son. He enjoys spending time with his family, exercise, travel, reading, learning languages, and following Bay Area sports teams.