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Jonathan McCormick

Jonathan McCormick

Director of Library Services | Associate Professor of Theological Research

Dr. Jonathan McCormick earned his M.Div. from the Brea campus of Gateway Seminary while serving a church in vocational ministry. He then moved to the San Francisco Bay Area to pursue the Ph.D. Jonathan’s dissertation examined the tradition of confessions of faith among Baptists in the United States through the 1925 Baptist Faith and Message. His continued research works with Baptist history, intertextuality, digital humanities, research methods, and the history of theological literature.

Having experienced the variety of classroom environments, Jonathan enjoys seeing how theological research translates into innovative ministry practice. This experience also provides the context to coach students to more effective information use in research.

Jonathan is married to Amanda, a graduate of Gateway with her M.A.E.L. They have 4 children: Calvin, Alexander, Alethiea, and Lorien. He enjoys miniature golf, science fiction, and fantasy literature.

Degrees & Accolades

M.L.I.S. San Jose State University

Ph.D. Gateway Seminary

M.Div. Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary

B.A.T. California Baptist University