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D. Michael Martin

D. Michael Martin

Senior Distinguished Professor of New Testament Studies

Dr. Martin believes careful and diligent study of God's Word should shape believers' lives and guide the faith and ministry of the church. He taught New Testament studies at GGBTS from 1980 through 2003, then went to a Baptist university as Dean of their school of religion. Martin rejoined Gateway Seminary in January 2006 as vice president of academic affairs and professor of New Testament studies.

While teaching, Martin has written numerous curriculum pieces for Lifeway, several articles for other publishers, and authored "1 & 2 Thessalonians" in the New American Commentary series. He has served numerous churches as interim pastor, Bible study leader, or special consultant. He also serves as distinguished professor of New Testament studies here at Gateway Seminary.

He and his wife Beth live in Rancho Cucamonga. They have two adult sons who also live in California. Beth and Michael are active members of a local Southern Baptist church where they serve in a variety of capacities. Hobbies include reading, walking, travel, and maintaining a website featuring maps and images of museum holdings and sites related to the study of the New Testament, www.ntimages.net.

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Degrees & Accolades

Ph.D. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
B.A. Dallas Baptist University