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Don Dent

Don Dent

Senior Professor of World Missionsoffice: 909-687-1647

Dr. Don Dent serves as the Baker James Cauthen Professor of World Missions. A native of Mississippi, he worked in Asian megacities for thirty years with the International Mission Board and another international corporation.  His cross-cultural experience includes time in a variety of cultural environments where he developed communities in urban high-rises, created strategies for penetrating new markets, provided leadership for over a hundred expatriate teams, developed leaders, and directed on-boarding processes for new corporate personnel.  

Don enjoys activities as diverse as quietly reading a book and ocean kayak fishing for sharks.  He is the author of The Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions published by Westbow Press.  He has also contributed articles and chapters in the Mission of God series, Global Missiology, and EMQ as well as written evangelistic publications in the Indonesian language

Since college days, Anne has been the love of his life. Their daughter, Chesed, and son, Rob, grew up in Asia and have also worked for several years overseas as adults. Chesed presently lives in Virginia with her husband Matthew where she recruits and trains students for overseas experiences. Rob, and his wife Lindsey and daughter Millie, live in Barstow, CA, where he serves on the staff of FBC. 

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Degrees and Accolades

D.Miss., Malaysia Baptist Theological Seminary
M.Div., Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary
B.A., Mississippi College