Job Board

Associate Pastor of Youth and Discipleship

Woodward Park Baptist Church - Fresno, CA

Salary/Range: $65,000-$75,000 annually + benefits


We are looking for a 1 Timothy 3 qualified man to lead our youth and oversee our adult discipleship programs.

youth and adults

I. Position Title: Associate Pastor
A. Classification: Full Time, Exempt
B. Recruited by: Senior Pastor, and approved by the Pastoral Leadership Team

II. Summary Description:
The Associate Pastor will collaborate with the Senior Pastor in development and execution of the church mission and strategy to produce mature followers of Jesus Christ. Keys to success will be recruiting, nurturing, training and oversight of ministry workers and leadership teams in ministry that encourages church members to be like Jesus Christ.

III. Working and Strategic Relationships:
A. Supervised by the Senior Pastor
B. Supervision of ministry leaders and workers
C. Woodward Park Baptist Church staff
D. Southern Baptist Convention churches and organizations
E. Community partner churches and organizations

IV. Essential Duties:
A. Develop and implement plans, in collaboration with the Senior Pastor, that promote the Spiritual growth of the church primarily through Sunday morning Life Groups (Sunday School).
B. Promotion of church discipleship initiatives for all age groups.
C. Recruit, train, and supervise volunteer members in fulfilling ministry assignments.
D. Manage the church discipleship budget.
E. Other duties as assigned by the pastor.

V. Responsibilities Related to Student Ministries
A. Plan and implement a student ministry evangelism and discipleship strategy that reinforces the five purposes of the church (worship, discipleship, mission/evangelism, fellowship, and ministry).
B. Develop and oversee two separate midweek or weekend ministries for Jr. High and High school students, encouraging them to grow in knowledge, understanding, and love for Jesus Christ.
C. Discover, recruit, train, and support a depth of lay leaders/volunteers who are committed to changing the lives of youth as they serve in student ministry.

D. Seek to involve parents and older students in planning, prayer, and other support. Also, keep parents informed and provide opportunities for meetings among themselves and student leadership.
E. Plan and oversee events that support the purposes of Student Ministry. Such events may include camps, workdays, mission projects, and fundraisers.
F. Be available for students and their parents for counseling and assistance.
G. Be reading and growing in Theological understanding and current events that challenge youth.

VI. Essential Skills & Qualities:
A. A committed believer & disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
a. One who demonstrates Christian character & the fruit of the Spirit in all areas of life
b. One who accepts this position in response to God’s call to servant-leadership.
c. Knowledge and application of Scripture to ministry consistent with Woodward Park Baptist Church statement of faith (based on the Baptist Faith and Message 2000).
B. Agreement with the mission and statement of faith of Woodward Park Baptist Church and the Baptist Faith and Message 2000)
C. Personal character displayed in;
a. Emotional health and maturity to cope with demands of ministry.
b. Integrity and honesty in all areas of life.
c. Transparency in communication with others.
D. Seminary degree, training, relevant experience or appropriate combination of education and experience is required.
E. Proficiency in spoken and written English required. Bilingual skills are valued.

VII. Environmental and Physical Demands:
A. Indoor, general office environment
B. Extended periods of computer work; viewing monitor and operating keyboard & mouse
C. Lift up to 40 pounds without assistance
D. Safely walk up/down 2 flights of stairs without assistance
E. Ministerial work necessitates work time on Sunday and often on evenings and Saturdays.
H. In concert with the Lead Pastor, regularly evaluate the effectiveness of all students and programs.
I. Coordinate the work of student ministry in relation to the overall work and purposes of the church.
J. Study and make recommendations for needed changes in student ministry, such as organizational changes, space use changes, equipment and furnishing needs, and policies and procedures of Operation.

General Responsibilities:
1. Maintain a blameless Christian reputation, using 1 Timothy 3:2-7 as a model.
2. Adhere to the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message.
3. Participate in regular training opportunities to become more effective in ministry.
4. Assign a replacement leader to oversee this ministry due to vacations, retreats, etc.
5. Be available and approachable. Establish a work schedule that is known by the staff.
6. Participate in an annual review conducted by the Senior Pastor and/or Personnel Committee.
7. Perform other duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor.

Reports to the Senior Pastor and Elders