Missional Influence Leader
Tri-City Church - Rialto Ca
Website: http://www.tri-city.church
The Job of the Missional Influence Leader/Missional Assistant (Missional Assistant roles in bold)
● To help the senior pastor as the pastor leads an influence process.
● To empower the key leaders of every church ministry through every thirty-day evangelism check-ins and instruction.
The Objective of the Missional Influence Leader/Missional Assistant (in bold)
● To help the senior pastor as the pastor leads a congregation-wide culture change.
● To help every ministry leader become more vibrant and fruitful in personal outreach and outreach leadership through their ministries.
Character Qualities That are Important: The Missional Influence Leader/Missional Assistant Should be:
● Trustworthy and reliable, capable of developing a strong working relationship with the senior leader
● Passionate about outreach (Missional Influence Leader) or at least committed to Outreach (Missional Assistant), individually and for the church. Note that being passionate about or committed to evangelism may or may not include being naturally gifted in evangelism. Sometimes, it’s better if the person isn’t gifted in evangelism. Why? Because it makes that person easier for other people to relate to and to believe they can imitate.
● Relationally strong and able to both encourage others and hold them accountable
● Administratively skilled and capable of scheduling, planning, and leading effective meetings
● Skilled at communicating, especially at communicating excitement for personal evangelism and evangelism leadership if the person is a Missional Influence Leader, and skilled at communicating the lead pastor’s vision if a Missional Assistant
● Respected in the congregation
● Available for a minimum of 4 to 8 hours per week if a Missional Influence Leader and 2 to 4 hours a week if a Missional Assistant.