Mountain View Baptist Church - Darrington, WA
Website: http://
Mountain View Baptist Church
Pastor Job Description
Principle Function:
The pastor is to be the spiritual leader of the church. He is responsible to the Lord and the church to primarily proclaim the gospel and teach the Bible. He is also to engage in pastoral care and provide supervisory leadership in all areas.
Ministry Requirements and Responsibilities:
• Plan and conduct worship services, prepare and deliver sermons and lead in observance of the church ordinances.
• Preach at all worship services that include preaching or arrange for someone else to perform this function.
• Lead the church in an effective evangelism program and in a caring ministry for those in the church and community.
• Lead the church in planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and evaluating the total program of the church.
• Cooperate with the local association (MBBA). State convention (NWBC) and Southern Baptist Convention leadership in matters of mutual interest and concern.
• Be visible in the community and represent the church in civic matters.
• Work with deacons, church officers, and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities.