Job Board


Living Water Church - Cloverdale, CA

Salary/Range: Total annual pay package of approximately $96,000

Website: http://

Wanted: Full-time Pastor

Living Water Church in Cloverdale, California, seeks a full-time Pastor to serve our community in beautiful northern Sonoma County. He is to be a man gifted by the Holy Spirit to teach and preach, and will possess all the qualities of an Elder as set forth in 1 Timothy. He must have a passion for Christ, and the study of God’s holy, inerrant word. This man must be well-equipped for training, discipleship, and leadership. He should have a heart for outreach, and a desire to enable and encourage our congregation to spread God’s love and word to others in our community. He will be able to work with individuals and families of all ages, encouraging spiritual growth and maturity. Our new Pastor will be expected to work alongside our church leadership, and to provide encouragement, guidance, and direction to the administrative committees of our church.

Please send letters of interest and a resumé to:
Living Water Church
P.O. Box 447
Cloverdale, CA 95425