Job Board


Linden Hills Family Fellowship Church SBC - Overgaard, Arizona

Salary/Range: TBD

Website: http://

Small, rural Southern Baptist church with senior congregation in Linden, Arizona looking for growth in all age groups is seeking a Part time/Bi-vocational pastor.

We have a well-attended Sunday School (12-15) with nearly the same number (15-20) who attend the worship service.

Our sanctuary will seat 130. Times of services: Sunday School 9am; Worship 10:15am and Wednesday afternoon prayer/bible study 3pm.

We are a church plant and moved into our facility in June 2013.

Our pastor retired in September 2023 and we have a transitional pastor at this time.

We are located in the beautiful White Mountains of Northeastern Arizona. We have large ponderosa pine trees, lakes, fishing, hunting and hiking. The elevation is 6,280’.

Linden is within shopping distance of Show Low, Arizona.

Our church is mortgage free and we are financially solvent.

If you feel you are the man called by God to undertake this role, please mail your resume to:

Les Young

Pastor Search

1013 Vernona Lane

Show Low, Arizona 85901

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