Job Board

Senior Pastor

Kingwood First Baptist Church - Kingwood, Texas

Salary/Range: TBD


Senior Pastor Job Description
Provide spiritual leadership and accountability for the congregation and sta� as well as overall leadership of the church and its ministries according to God’s Word, church goals, and the Bylaws of Kingwood First Baptist Church:

● Seeking God’s will for KFBC through, for example:
o RegularprayerandBiblestudy
o Cultivatingpersonalrelationshipswithsta�andlayleadership(e.g.,thedeaconbody) o Communityinvolvement:beingvisibleinthelocalcommunityandmeetingwithlocal
Christian leaders at least quarterly
● Developing and implementing strategies and plans to bring about God’s will for KFBC
o Createclearmilestonesandmeasurablegoalstopromotealignment
o Assess,discuss,andaddresstheissuesmostrelevantforourchurchtoday,similartothe
Core Values exercise conducted Fall of 2023
o Discussministryplanwithsta�andlayleadership,aswellasthecongregation
● Preaching regularly on Sunday mornings and leading in observance of ordinances
● Discipling:
o DirectdiscipleshipofseniorKFBCsta�andlayleadership
o Promotingdiscipleshipofthebroaderchurchfamily
● Evangelizing and church planting: Actively promote e�orts to spread the gospel in our Jerusalem,
Judea, Samaria, and to the ends of the earth
● Administrating the church sta�: supervise the work and ministries of ministerial sta� and take a
personal role where appropriate in areas such as:
o Thecontentandstyleofworshipservices,includingsermons,music,andordinance o Church-widereligiouseducationprogramsandcurriculums
o Anyretreatsorotherchurch-wideorsub-groupgathering(Men’s,Women’s,Youth,
o Visitingmembersandprospects;visitingcongregationinthemidstofcrises
● Developing church sta�: understand their spiritual gifts, strengths and career aspirations and ensure e�ective development plans are in place for professional growth and development.
● Preparing and maintaining succession and contingency plans for all church leadership positions
● Leading the deacons, church o�cers and committees as they perform their responsibilities
● Cooperating with the associational, state and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest
and concern; keep the church informed of denominational developments as applicable; represent KFBC in civic / community matters
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Annual performance reviews:
To promote accountability and alignment, the Senior Pastor shall conduct the following performance reviews at least annually:
● Senior Pastor performance review with the Personnel Committee or its replacement, with the review consisting of the following:
o KeyPerformanceIndicators(KPIs)suchaschurchgrowthandgivingmetrics,churchplant statistics, number of members on mission trips, number of meetings with local leaders – whatever indicators the Senior Pastor and Personnel Committee (or its replacement) feel are relevant. If it’s measured, it’s done.
o Writtenfeedbackfromchurchsta�,layleadership,communityreligiousleaders,and personal accountability partners.
o ProgressonministryplanforKFBC(seeabove)aswellasadjustmentsneeded o Personaldevelopmentareasforthechurchpastor
o Developmentandsuccessionplansforchurchsta�
● Church sta� performance reviews for at least five sta� members and all sta� reporting directly to the Senior Pastor, covering the following:
o KPIs(minimumthreeperministryplusfeedbackfromsta�andaccountabilitypartners)
o Ministrygrowthstatisticsandministryplans
o Sta�developmentareasanddevelopmentareasforanysta�reportingtothatsta�member o 360feedback,whererelevant