Job Board

Associate Pastor

Grace Baptist Church - Santa Maria, CA

Website: http://

Grace Baptist Church
Santa Maria, CA
Associate Pastor Job Description

Job Overview

Grace is an elder-led, congregation-ruled, Reformed Baptist church located on the Central Coast of California. Our average attendance across 2 services is 250. We are a part of Converge (formerly the Baptist General Conference). Our mission is simple: We exist to ignite a passion in every person to glorify and enjoy God everywhere and in everything. Our tagline that you will hear often at Grace is that we aim to stay busy “making disciple-making disciples.” Gospel-centered discipleship is at the heart of all our ministries.

We are searching for a full-time Associate Pastor with a shepherd’s heart who will guide and oversee our discipleship efforts, which include oversight of our small group ministries, Sunday school classes, as well as lead and guide our outreach efforts in our community. The Associate Pastor will assist the Senior pastor and collaborate with the staff in planning, implementing, and evaluating our ministries.

Job Description

We seek an Associate Pastor who understands Gospel-centered ministry and has a heart to see people set free by the Gospel to love and serve their neighbors. He should be a friendly, out-going, Spirit-led servant who does not take himself too seriously. We desire a pastor who has the passion and experience to identify, train, equip, and mobilize leaders in our congregation to be Spirit-dependent, joy-filled, kingdom-minded disciples who know how to make disciples.

Supervisor/Direct Report: Senior Pastor and the Elder Board


 5-10 years of pastoral ministry in a local church
 A team player who works well in a team environment
 A teachable, humble heart that is willing to confess sin, continue to learn, and models servant-leadership
 A Seminary degree required (Th.M or M.Div)
 Meets the character qualifications of an elder as stated in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1
 Agreement with our Affirmation of Faith
 Self-starter who actively pursues ministry and people
 Able to teach and preach expositional, Gospel-centered messages (Sunday morning preaching, etc)
 Strong communication abilities (oral and written)
 Keep regular scheduled office hours and follow work rules and procedures as outlined in the Employee Handbook, By-laws, and Constitution


 Support the Senior Pastor in planning and implementing ministry
 Provide Gospel-centered counseling, prayer, ministry, and care to people as needed
 Serve as an active member of Grace by attending services, small groups, and church activities and events
 Attend weekly staff meeting
 Work alongside our Deacon Board to care for the church body
 Lead the outreach ministry to our community
 Assist the Senior Pastor and elders with various pastoral needs of the church body
 Oversee and lead our small groups and Sunday School classes
 Help assimilate newcomers and new members into the life of the church
 Perform pastoral duties as necessary: weddings, funerals, etc

How To Apply
You can apply by emailing the following to
1) an updated resume,
2) a recent photo of you/family,
3) an overview statement of your own theological distinctives (no more than 1 page)
4) your understanding of what it means to be “Gospel-centered” in life and ministry
5) a sample of your preaching/teaching (video)
Due to the number of expected applications, we will contact you if we desire to move forward in the hiring process with you. May the Lord bless and guide you as you seek His will.