Job Board

Senior Pastor

Good Hope Baptist Church - Spotsylvania Courthouse, Virginia

Salary/Range: TBD

Website: http://

Key Expectations of the Role

The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader to the Good Hope Baptist Church congregation and is responsible to proclaim the gospel of Jesus and to provide pastoral care of the church and community.

He is preacher, teacher, and communicator of God’s Word through gifts of the Holy Spirit; demonstrating excellence in the study and exegesis of the Scriptures.

He is the lead elder of the church creating vision and mission and leading the body in fulfillment.

He is a persistent minister for Christ in the church and the world and is consistently confrontational with sin.

He does the work of an evangelist.

He equips, educates, and edifies the church to be Spirit-filled “disciples who make disciples” and leads the body outside the walls of the church in obedience to the Great Commission.

The Senior Pastor is also the senior administrative executive in all areas of church life and function.

The role is full-time, and not by bi-vocational or interrupted by other duties or commitments.

Key Qualifications

Personally redeemed and being sanctified through the lordship of Jesus.

Called, ordained, and set apart by God to the gospel ministry; Filled with the Holy Spirit and known by his love; proven in Christian ministry; evangelical in theology; and, committed to living in a manner as set forth for pastors in Scripture.

Holds the Bible as inerrant, inspired, infallible, and all authoritative Word of God.

Affirms and embraces the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 and the foundational tenets of Good Hope Baptist Church constitution and by-laws.

Leads, teaches, and acts on the belief that the miraculous manifestations of the Holy Spirit are still distributed, in use, and needed in the church today.

Has integrity to keep God first in his life and the life of his family and of the church and stay true to Him and His Word even at a cost.

Experienced in the function of the local church and has adequate Bible college training and degrees and sufficient pastoral experience.

Navigates demanding situations and implements growth strategies, while preserving the spiritual health and unity of the church.

Delegates duties and trains ministry leaders where needed for these duties.

Interested in the vision for Good Hope School as a powerful means of community outreach and Christian discipleship.

Responsibilities - (Not all-inclusive nor assigned as sole responsibility. GHBC is a team ministry. Delegation is expected, and additional duties may arise in the life of the church.)

Pastor Shepherd – “Poimen” (1 Timothy 3:1-7)

Spiritual leader and vision caster of the church working with elders, leadership, members, and staff to establish GHBC shared vision and purpose and translate broad goals into achievable steps. 
Preach and teach God’s Word as led by the Spirit. Be the principal communicator of God’s Word in public worship and ensure that the Church is growing to maturity in Christ.
Lead the church in its mission to “make disciples who make disciples” through engaging believers in worship, ministry, discipleship, fellowship, and evangelism.
Provide or direct members and seekers to Biblical counseling where needed.

Chief Elder – “Presbuteros” (Titus 1:5)

Chief elder who will exercise biblical and spiritual authority over the church entrusted him by God.
Model the heart of the Chief Shepherd so that the flock is well led, cared for, and protected.
Model the practice of personal evangelism and ensure that the church is challenged and equipped in discovering and developing spiritual gifts to be obedient to the Great Commission.
Ensure that what is taught is compliant with God’s Word as illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
Give direction to ministerial staff and leadership teams to ensure that the Great Commission is carried out to the local community and beyond.

Bishop Overseer – “Episkopos” (Titus 1:7)

Oversee the planning of worship services, outreach, and events in order to support staff and lay leaders to successfully deliver these services and events in the name of and to the glory of Christ.
Direct and watch over the various church ministries and committees.
Oversee visitation and outreach, personally participating when time permits.
Make final decisions on benevolence aid and situations.
Attend scheduled elders’ meetings as Chairman.
Serve as ex-officio member of Deacons, Leadership Council, and other chartered committees.
Preside over wedding, funeral and similar functions within the Pastor’s policy as led by the Holy Spirit after appropriate Biblical counseling.
Participate with associational, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern and support the work of missions and the Cooperative Program.

Disciple – “Mathetes” (Luke 6:40; Romans 12:2)

Be transformed by the renewal of the mind by time in consistent and regular prayer and Scripture meditation time with the Lord.
Extend personal Biblical knowledge by attending conferences, classes, and retreats as schedule allows. 

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