Job Board


First Baptist Church - Moline, Illinois

Salary/Range: TBD

Website: http://

First Baptist Church Moline Illinois

1901 29th Street

 Moline, Illinois   61265



Job description:  Senior Pastor


The opportunity: First Baptist Church, Moline is seeking a full-time senior pastor.


The candidate: The Senior Pastor will possess an advanced degree and be ordained within the ABC-USA network or have an ordination recognized by the ABC-USA. The pastor will work with our Church Council and ministry teams to:


●    Provide sermons that are meaningful and relevant to today's challenges and aimed at practical application In spiritual maturity.

●    Provide pastoral care and counseling that is supportive and compassionate through personal visits, phone calls, text and correspondence.

●    Deepen spiritual life through curricula that leads to increasing Christian maturity. Adult Bible classes are held on Sunday mornings.

●    Seek fellowship and support with sister churches of the Quad Cities by hosting and participating in ministry and fellowship events.

●    Currently we hold mostly traditional services, but open to new ideas.



Church highlights:

●    Celebration of Christmas and Easter through Advent services beginning with Hanging of the Greens. Lenten emphasis in weeks leading up to Holy Week and Easter.

●    Monthly Diaper Depot on the 3rd Saturday of each month giving away diapers to those with a pressing need. 60 families on average served at each Diaper Depot more than 1,000 families served over the last 11 years.

●    Operation Christmas Child with the packing of Christmas boxes for children worldwide with toys, school supplies and gospel message.

●    Foundational prayer emphasis with the prayer team meeting weekly and a special prayer service for revitalization in the hour prior to morning worship. Participation in our region's Church Revitalization Initiative with support and guidance from region staff.

●    Weekday Bible studies with focus on deepening understanding and application of scripture.

●    Supporting children through regular Children's Moment during Sunday morning worship. Open to ideas to bring families with children into the church.

●    Support of ethnic congregations who share our facility, presently a large Burmese Church and an emerging Congolese Church.

●    Social media ministry through YouTube streaming of our Sunday morning worship, Facebook, website and phone tree mediums.

●    Inspiring worship services that incorporate a blend of traditional and contemporary music, congregational participation, PowerPoint and other media.

●    Regular potluck events after Sunday morning worship and on weekdays for our own church and at times with sister churches.

●    Christmas caroling at local supermarkets in order to support the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign.

●    Global Mission emphasis with several missionaries supported and other mission opportunities provided. For over 20 years our church has had mission teams work with churches in Costa Rica.


Our facility:

●    Within the last year significant improvement projects were completed. 

●    Our facility at this time is a one-level practical design of Sanctuary next to Fellowship Hall and excellent kitchen. The education wing has a number of classrooms of different sizes.


The setting:  First Baptist Church Moline is located in the heart of the Quad Cities metro area along the banks of the Mississippi River. The Quad Cities includes five principal cities and a total population of 467,000. Industry and agriculture are the primary economies. The Quad Cities offers a wide variety of culturals.. Our church's active membership is 92 with an average of 30 to 40 attending Sunday morning with worship participation increasing to about 60 during Christmas and Easter. Also, an average of 20 watch the Sunday service via Youtube Streaming. Please inquire for additional information our church history and our region.


Salary and benefits: Compensation will be commensurate with the successful candidates experience and qualifications.


How to apply:

Please email your cover letter and resume, including three references to our pastoral search committee at Please also provide links to sermons online, if available. All candidates are subject to a background check and will need to sign and adhere to the Covenant and Code of Ethics for Ministerial leaders of American Baptist Churches, USA.



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