Worship Pastor
First Baptist Church - Andrews, Texas
Salary/Range: TBD
Website: http://https://fbcandrews.org/
The Worship Pastor oversees all aspects of the worship ministry and is responsible for creating powerful and meaningful worship experiences that inspire celebration and awe, point people toward Christ, are grounded in biblical truth, and are committed to engaging the heart and mind.
Lead Worship Services: Plan and lead Sunday worship services and special events.
Team Development & Training: Recruit, train, and equip worship and tech team members. Foster a culture of growing excellence, selfless teamwork, loving family, and joyful service.
Worship Planning & Coordination: Plan, organize, and oversee the worship sets for each service, utilizing tools like Planning Center, Loop Community, and Prime App to schedule personnel, plot services, and coordinate with team members.
Set Creation: Curate and design worship sets that align with the overall vision of the church, connecting worship to the sermon themes and the church’s mission.
Tech Oversight: Lead the development, preparation, and coordination of all technical aspects of worship (sound, in-ears, A/V, cameras, livestream, ProPresenter, Lightkey, etc.).
Stage Design and Management: Create innovative stage designs and guarantee technical preparedness for all worship services.
Social Media and Website: Develop and maintain the FBCA website and lead an active and engaging FBCA social media presence.
Community Engagement: Build and sustain a personal, visible, and engaging presence in the local community.
The ideal candidate possesses a deep passion for God and people, strong spiritual maturity and high moral character, zeal for the gospel, high emotional intelligence, a growth mindset, and a team-oriented mentality. They smile and laugh easily, exhibit authenticity and vulnerability, dream big dreams and chase them, embrace difficult challenges and achieve them, make those around them better, drink lots of coffee, and feel comfortable in tennis shoes, a hoodie, and a trucker hat.
Education: Situational expectations (It depends)
Experience: Situational expectations (It depends)
Musical Skills: Proficiency in vocals and instrumentals (preferably guitar and piano)
Leadership: Demonstrated proficiency at leading a band and guiding a tech team
Technical knowledge and experience:
Proficient in Planning Center (People Services and Music Stand)
Understanding of how to use click tracks and midi and have the ability to plot out full services in track software (Loop Community and Prime App currently used)
General understanding of how to operate a Behringer X32 Sound Board, stage boxes, and P16 IEM.
A general understanding of Logic Pro (Used for livestream sound)
Proficient in ProPresenter for plotting out services, sequence orders, midi macro lighting cues, etc.
General understanding of Lightkey and midi cues within the software
Ability to operate a multicamera livestream
General understanding of photo/video editing software and graphic design (Adobe Lightroom, Final Cut Pro X and Canva)
Emotionally and Relationally: Star status!
Opportunity: To make a Great Commission impact that will shape eternity.
Relationships: To experience genuine Christian community.
Growth: To experience big personal and professional transformation.
Freedom: To be equipped and fully empowered for your mission.
Team: To be a part of an incredible team that will challenge, encourage, and support you.
Family: To give your family a place to call home and a people to call family!
To apply for this job, please click here https://justchurchjobs.com/apply/4479