Job Board

Youth Ministry Director

First Baptist Church of Clairemont - San Diego, CA

Salary/Range: $1000/month


First Baptist Church of Clairemont
Youth Director Job Description

The Youth Director is commissioned to shepherd and mentor our youth (7th-12th grade students) into a personal relationship with the Triune God. The Director shall have a consistent walk with the Lord and shall be an example of a follower of God the Father, Jesus the Christ and Son of God, and The Holy Spirit. The Director shall pursue a daily quiet time with God, participate regularly in worship services, help with periodic mission activities or trips, set an example in giving by tithing and gifts, and actively share his/her faith in witnessing. The Director must also engage in personal and professional growth through options like ongoing education and/or training through schools, seminary, retreats, conferences, conventions, and rallies. The Youth Director will have undergone fingerprinting and background check before the offer of employment, with child abuse awareness training, sexual harassment training for supervisors, and sexual harassment training for non-supervisors to be completed on the first day of employment or as soon after as possible, and on a repeating basis as required by state law and the direction of the senior pastor and Personnel Committee.

The following are a list of the expectations of the youth director with regards to duties and schedule, assuming approximately 5-10 hours of work a week in a normal week of activities.

1. This position is answerable to the Senior Pastor as supervisor.
2. Plan, prepare, present, and defend a yearly budget and calendar of activities for youth activities by November 1st of each year.
3. Plan, execute, and evaluate weekly youth activities such as:
a. Wednesday evening youth group, built on three legs. First, a time of fun with the kids. Second, a time spent in the Bible to give them the Gospel and Gospel-centered instruction for life and faith. Third, a time of mentoring.
b. Monthly youth events for the purpose of fellowship, or evangelism, or worship, or discipleship, or service.
c. Regular youth outreach outside the walls of the church building (e.g., Fellowship of Christian Athletes at a local school).
d. Regular contact with the students whom the Youth Director mentors, outside of Wednesday night activities or Sunday morning activities. (E.g., letter, note, text, call)
e. Attend the 9:00am blended Sunday morning Bible study with the other adults and encourage the youth to join you there.
f. Attend Sunday morning service and engage youth families there.
g. Plan, prepare, and execute annual activities such as summer camp, VBS, and a winter event (conference, camp, or other winter event if approved by the senior pastor).
h. Meet weekly with the senior pastor either one-on-one or in staff meeting.
4. Be an example for the youth to follow in reflecting the Fruit of the Spirit and a healthy walk with Christ, including absolutely no smoking, drinking alcohol as a beverage, drug use/abuse, vulgar or profane language, and no sexual activity outside of marriage.
5. To a limited extent work with the children’s ministry to build relationships with future youth, to be agreed upon between the Youth Director, Children’s Ministry Director or Pastor of Worship & Education, and the Senior Pastor.
6. Help promote mission activities, offerings, and youth involvement year-round with the entire church.
7. Be in charge of preparation for youth camps, conferences, and mission trips. Examples: raising money for fees and costs or expenses, securing transportation, enlisting counselors, attending, and supervising youth.
8. Enthusiastically support the programs of the church.
9. The Youth Director is responsible for maintaining a functioning team of adult volunteers to serve as adult supervision, Bible study leaders, mentors, and in the other capacities needed for the proper functioning of the youth ministry, with help from the pastors of the church.

Workplace Expectations:
a. Be punctual.
b. Be prepared.
c. Be a positive supporter.
d. Be an example.
e. Be communicative.
f. To work in youth related activities about 5 to 10 hours per week.

a. The Youth Director’s expenses are paid by the church for youth activities. (Possibly needs approval beforehand.)