Worship Leader
First Baptist Church Carthage - Carthage, Texas
Salary/Range: TBD
First Baptist Carthage is seeking a passionate and dynamic Worship Leader to join our team. This individual will play a crucial role in leading worship, overseeing worship services, and guiding all worship opportunities and venues. The Worship Leader will also oversee the production and creative aspects of the worship service to ensure that each service is engaging and impactful. This is a unique opportunity to work alongside our new Lead Pastor, who is leading change and building a team to help lead the church and reach the community.
We’re looking for a young, enthusiastic Worship Leader who is eager to contribute to a growing church, shape the future of worship, and help lead the church in this exciting season of change and growth. For a description of responsibilities, qualifications, and personal characteristics email janet@firstbaptistcarthage.com
Send resume to janet@firstbaptistcarthage.com
To apply for this job, please click here https://justchurchjobs.com/apply/4544