Job Board

Senior Pastor

First Baptist Church Camden - Camden, SC

Website: http://

We, First Baptist Church of Camden, believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. We are a multi-generational congregation that shares the love of Christ with those in our community, state, nation, and world through ministry and missions. The church desires a visionary leader that will shepherd the congregation, through discipleship and relationships, for God’s glory.

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Job Description: Senior Pastor
Pastoral Responsibilities:
• The Senior Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church. He is responsible to the church for leading the fellowship to determine its vision and mission and to move towards its attainment. He proclaims the gospel and provides pastoral care for persons in the church and the community. He encourages and involves church members in the work of the church so that its divine mission can be achieved.
• The Pastor shall be the administrative head of the church and shall direct a program of worship and religious education with the assistance of the ministerial staff, deacons, and other church leaders. He shall conduct the worship services of the church or arrange for substitutes, as appropriate.
Pastoral Duties:
• Lead the church to function as a New Testament church; to engage in a fellowship of worship, witness, education, and ministry; to proclaim the gospel to believers and non-believers; and to care for the church members and others in the community.
• Plan and conduct the worship services; prepare and deliver sermons; lead in observance of ordinances.
• Lead the church in an effective program of witnessing and in a caring ministry for persons in the church and community.
• Visit members and prospects as scheduling permits.
• Conduct counseling sessions; perform wedding ceremonies; conduct funerals.
• Serves as chairman of Church Council to lead the planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and evaluation of the total church program.
• Work with deacons, church officers, and committees as they perform their assigned responsibilities; train and lead deacons in a program of family ministries.
• Act as moderator of church business meetings.
• Cooperate with associational, state, and denominational leaders in matters of mutual interest and concern; keep the church informed of denominational development; represent the church in civic matters.
Church Administration:
• Serve as chief administrator of the paid church staff; supervise the work of assigned paid staff
• Conducts yearly performance reviews and evaluations of ministerial staff
• Adheres to church approved guidelines as set forth in By-laws, Policies, and Procedures.
• Must be an ordained Southern Baptist Minister
• Prefer at least a master’s degree from an accredited seminary
• Prefer minimum of 10 years ministerial experience
• Preferred experience as a Senior Pastor
• Must be a visionary and constructive leader with a shepherd’s heart
• Must be an effective communicator