Job Board


Fellowship Baptist Church - Polson, Montana

Salary/Range: $1500 < up

Website: http://

Established in 2003, Fellowship Baptist Church of Polson MT is a small town church with a praying congregation and a Gospel centered mission. We are looking for a pastor to lead our folks to impact Polson, our county, and the world around us and to grow spiritually. We are looking for Biblical Shepherding and Leadership Development, Expositional Preaching, and Evangelism and Discipleship. We are members of the Montana Southern Baptist Convention.

We have been through a renewal process beginning with 40 days of prayer and studying through the book by Henry Blackaby "Flickering Lamps". We have seen God do amazing things since beginning of this journey and are excited about the future of our congregation and the community in which we live. If you believe the Lord still does great things in todays world and would like to come and experience the mighty work of the Lord with us, please submit your cover letter and resume to Doug Hutcheson at

Please also include the following:

A brief account of your personal testimony and call to ministry.

A brief personal doctrinal statement.

Degree of doctrinal agreement and/or disagreement with the Baptist Faith and Message 2001.

Submitting your resume is an indication on your part that you believe you meet all the biblical ability to communicate God's word, able to teach and holding firmly to the trustworthy message to encourage others by sound doctrine and the scripture character and life indicated as qualifications for elders (Reference: 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, and Titus.

With all that said, the ministry is exciting in Polson, Montana and the opportunities to lead people to Jesus, grow them up, and send them out is there for one who wants to lead us.