Worship Arts Pastor
Christ Community Church - Tucson, AZ
Website: http://https://www.vanderbloemen.com/job/christ-community-church-tucson-worship-arts-pastor
Christ Community Church is looking for the next Worship Arts Pastor who will lead the congregation in faithful corporate worship that is glorifying to God, musically rich, and biblically sound.
Christ Community Church(CCC) is an elder-led, non-denominational church that draws 850 attendees to our two Sunday morning worship services. Musically, we aim to incorporate the best of hymnody and contemporary songs, and our worship services aim to make full use of Scripture reading, prayer, and congregational participation. Our weekly worship team is joined by our bi-monthly choir, monthly orchestra, regular youth involvement, and occasional children’s choir. The Worship Arts Pastor provides leadership for the music ministry as a whole, including the many volunteer teams required to carry out the weekly corporate worship of the church.
Because this role is largely pastoral in nature, CCC is looking for someone who fulfills the qualifications of leadership listed in 1 Timothy 3. He should proactively care for the spiritual needs of those involved in the worship ministry, and he should encourage the spiritual well-being of the congregation as a whole.
The Worship Arts Pastor position would fit best with someone who not only agrees with our Statement of Faith and our overall ministry values as a church, but also aligns with our general philosophy of worship. CCC’s worship values listed above aim to show their heart for congregational participation, theological faithfulness, and musical beauty.