Job Board

Senior Pastor

Chapel Hill Baptist Church - Millan, TN



Chapel Hill Baptist Church (CHBC) in Milan, TN is prayerfully seeking the man God is calling to be our full time Senior Pastor. We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission in making disciples and being a New Testament Church as led by God. We are a member of the Gibson County Baptist Association and Southern Baptist Convention. Our current actual attendance is 150-175 in Sunday School and 200-225 during Sunday morning Worship. We have a 53,000 square foot facility (600 seat Sanctuary, youth center, gym, children’s ministry facility, classrooms) that is already in place for future growth. Milan is minutes away from Jackson, TN, a mid-size town (100,000 MSA) in western Tennessee between Nashville and Memphis.


• Possess the Biblical qualities described in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Matthew 22:37-39
• Believe and adhere to the statements of faith in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000
• Passion for the lost
• Strong biblical knowledge and preaching skills
• Good staff development and supervisory skills
• A heart for people with good pastoral/people skills
• Effective leader with collaborative leadership style
• Degree or working towards degree (Seminary degree preferred)
• Prefer 5+ years of experience as a Pastor (Senior, Associate, Youth, Children)

Ministry Description

• 2 Timothy 4:1-5
• The Senior Pastor serves as the spiritual leader of the church, and is responsible to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, to teach biblical revelation, to engage in pastoral care, and to provide administrative leadership in all areas of church life and function
• Teaching and Proclaiming God’s Word
• Conduct the worship services, prepare and deliver sermons, and lead in observation of the two church ordinances.
• Leading and equipping the flock in fulfilling the Great Commission
• Congregational care
• Executive and administrative leadership, providing supervision and direction to all CHBC Staff and employees

Application Process

• Email resume to
• Send resume to: Chapel Hill Baptist Church, 76 Chapel Hill Rd, Milan,
TN 38358
Attn: Senior Pastor Search Committee
• The deadline for applications is March 31st, 2025.