We offer a number of programs to help eligible Gateway students pay tuition. Applications for these programs are available through Haven. If you have any questions, please contact businessoffice@gs.edu.
Tuition Deferment Application
The Seminary offers the option of making tuition payments over the length of a semester. In order to qualify, a student must be registered for at least five credit hours and be in good financial standing. Qualifying students may defer semester tuition and fees through four monthly installments. The first installment, plus the $50 Deferred Payment Fee, is due at registration. Applications may be obtained from the Business Office at the Los Angeles Campus-Ontario or your regional campus and must be submitted two weeks prior to the beginning of classes. Deferred tuition payments are not available during the Summer term.
Sponsorship Agreement
Many students receive assistance from organizations that agree to support the student by paying tuition or other fees.
It is each student's responsibility to have the sponsoring organization complete the Sponsorship Agreement form and return it to the Business Office before the term's payment deadline. Students are still individually responsible for any outstanding balances on their account.
Third-Party Payments
Visa or Mastercard payments may be processed online by third parties (such as family, friends, and church members) for the educational costs of our students. Such individuals can use the following link to process payments. Please have the student's full name and Gateway Student ID number available in order to process payment.
Payments made by an individual or organization for a specific student are NOT considered tax-deductible per IRS regulations.
Student Spouse Discount
Provides 50% discount for the spouse of a full-time student enrolled in Masters-level courses (excludes Th.M.).
Applies to the spouse with the lowest tuition charge.
Application is due by the last day of registration.
Employee Discount
Provides 100% discount for full-time seminary employees enrolled in Masters-level courses (excludes Th.M.).
Applies to tuition only.
Application is due by the last day of registration.
Registration fee is due by the term payment deadline.
Employee Family Discount
Provides 50% discount for eligible family members of full-time seminary employees enrolled in Masters-level courses (excludes Th.M.).
Applies to tuition only.
Application is due by the last day of registration.